Speed & Tempo
Meeting Point
Wednesday night’s are a double offering. Allowing athletes to decide between a 1 hour tempo run on a short loop or a structured speed session which is prescribed by the run leader. These could be hills, short or long reps or intervals and vary week to week.
This means no matter what session you choose, we all still meet and finish at the same spot, working together on a short loop (of usually around a mile in distance), in the spirit of encouragement and team work and affording everyone equal access as we all work at our own specific pace.
These sessions are not coached and down to the individuals to time themselves etc but they will have a run leader or designated leader on the loop to advise and assist if required.
The below is a schedule for which loops will be used throughout 2022 and when, trying to make the most of the daylight (some dates etc may change).
Jan - March; Barnard/Drury Lane Loop
April - June; Longcroft/Stubley Loop or Sindlefingen Loop
July - Sept; Cliff Park/Callywhite Loop
Oct - December; Hilltop/Hyde Park Loop
Lead Contact
Stu Carrack