Dronfield Running Club relies on the time and efforts of volunteers to keep us all running, active and competing.
Below are the people who fill essential roles for the club alongside a short description to outline their main tasks and responsibilities .
Olivia Walker
Editor in Chief
Dan Mitchell
Assistant Manager
Dronfield Running Club CIO is a registered charity and ultimate responsibility for governing a charity and directing how it is managed and run lies with its Trustee’s.
There are 6 key duties to being a Trustee in any charity and these are;
1. Ensure we are carrying out our purposes for the public benefit.
Trustees provide direction on what the club is going to do short, medium and long term, and how we are going to achieve it. We must also be able to explain how all of the club's activities are intended to further or support its charitable purposes as outlined above.
2. Comply with our governing constitution and the law
Make sure that the all decisions and club activities comply with the club constitution and that the club complies with charity law requirements and safeguarding, health and safety and GDPR legislation as well as all England Athletics regulation.
3. Act in the best interests of Dronfield RC
Trustee’s have ultimate say on the operation of the club as they are duty bound to determine what will best enable Dronfield RC to carry out its purposes. As such, they operate an oversight role over committee affairs and decisions.
4. Manage club resources responsibly
Trustees must act responsibly, reasonably and honestly and make sure the clubs assets are only used to support or carry out its charitable purposes and not take inappropriate risks with the charity’s assets or reputation
5. Act with reasonable care and skill
As someone responsible for governing the charity, trustees must use reasonable care and skill, making use of their skills and experience and taking appropriate advice when necessary.
6. Ensure your charity is accountable
Trustees must ensure the club complies with statutory accounting and reporting requirements. They should also be able to demonstrate that the club is complying with the law, is well run and ensure accountability within the charity, particularly where they delegate responsibility for particular tasks or decisions to volunteers or committee members.