Thursday Trail & Fell
When: Thursdays @ 19:20
Where: Varies.
What: Our weekly off road offering is split into trail running and fell running sessions on alternate weeks.
Tell me more...
Our off road offering is split into trail running and fell running sessions on alternate weeks.
​One week, the club puts on a group run using the woodland trails and countryside in and around Dronfield. On the alternative week, a group heads off into the Peak District for some Fell Running.
The meeting points, venues and distances run vary week to week and are advertised in our members only Facebook group in the days preceding the runs. Those who don't use Facebook can email the lead contacts.​
The pace of these sessions is very comfortable and the nights are intended to act as an introduction to trail and fell or a chance to enjoy some easy paced, chatty miles away from the tarmac. ​
Off Road Safety:
​Off Road running, particularly in The Peak District is a much different beast to road running. The current weather in the middle of a town can be a world away from that on our surrounding moorlands.
Fell running, particularly in winter, should be considered an extreme sport and when putting on our training offer DRC takes that responsibility very seriously. All of our off road leaders are experienced in running on the terrain they are taking you on and are first aid qualified.
We fully endorse the Fell Runners Association kit requirements of:
Waterproof Jacket (with taped seams and hood), waterproof trousers (with taped seams), map, compass, whistle, hat, gloves, emergency blanket, emergency food and liquid, appropriate footwear and a headtorch in dark conditions.​
We will require that you carry some, or all, of that kit on our training nights. The kit requirements for any specific run is at our run leaders discretion but we advise you have access to all of it for whenever it may be needed.​
Your attendance on our off road sessions is absolutely at the run leaders discretion. Please do not take umbrage if you are asked to sit out because you don't have the required kit. Our run leaders will always make considered decisions for the safety of you, themselves and the wider group and have the backing of the whole club to do so.