Another busy week at DRC HQ, with lots of beavering away behind the scenes working out what it is that we don't know and then making sure we that know about it.
Truth be told, whilst we’re all au fait with negative splits, thresholds, VO2 Max, Fartleks and pace conversion figures, we’re very new to all the stuff we need to do from the point of view of managing and officiating a running club. That's not to say we’re going into this blind or incapable - just that every now and again little requirements hidden in policy documents keep presenting hurdles for us to jump. This is why we’re not rushing through anything and making sure everything is how it should be before we invite memberships and start training. Consequently, this week has involved lots of backwards and forwards with various bodies and institutions and working out solutions to problems as they are presented to us. But enough of that boring stuff.
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Julie Bembridge who will be coming on board as our Welfare Secretary. We’ve known Julie a while and as well as being a top runner, she is approachable, caring and friendly and is a fountain of advice and knowledge on all things running so we think that she will be perfect for the role of Welfare Sec and making sure everyone is looked after as they should be.

Fair warning though; Julie is also threatening to launch a long run club at the weekends and loves nothing more than a gruelling climb up monster hills in the back of beyond - so get ready for that!
Those of you on Strava and our Facebook group will have seen that we’ve launched a bit of a segment challenge. Head over to this link to check it out and have a blast at it. Don't worry too much about your pace or time, it's just for fun but with no parkrun or races to attack at the moment, we’d like to gently encourage you to have a good go at it! :)
Our thoughts are that these challenges will be refreshed with new routes weekly/fortnightly/whenever Stu can be bothered to do it for as long as we cant run as a group.
We have also asked on the socials for anyone with prior experience in officiating or coaching in a running environment to come forward (by way of a reply to this email) if they would like to offer any of their time to the club as and when we ‘go live’. In particular, we are interested in finding out if anyone holds a Leadership in Running Fitness qualification. There would be no obligation placed on you, we would just like to get an idea of the skills and expertise that we can call upon within our potential membership, should we ever need to do so.