Dronfield RC's public consultation regarding our proposals to launch a junior parkrun in Sindelfingen Park has now been closed after an incredible 607 local people provided us with detailed feedback.

The headline result is that, of those 607 responses, 604 were in support of our proposals. Within the consultation responses were some passionate, detailed and well-constructed arguments from local residents, healthcare professionals and teachers at our local schools.
During the consultation period we became aware of a small article on the Town Council's bulletin page of The Dronfield Eye (March Edition) that the council had voted unanimously to support a junior parkrun in Dronfield. The notice then goes on to suggest that Dronfield Woodhouse Sports & Social be assessed as a venue.
Great news, right?
Not quite.
The town council have taken it upon themselves to switch the venue. without our knowledge or input, to Dronfield Woodhouse Sports & Social Club.
Dronfield Running Club is proposing a junior parkrun at Sindelfingen Park.
We are not proposing a junior parkrun anywhere else in Dronfield and neither is anybody else. Why? Because Sindelfingen Park is simply the most suitable venue.
We do not know why the town council are suggesting the venue be switched because they've not consulted with us on it. But what we are sure about is that Dronfield Running Club does NOT support a junior parkrun at Dronfield Woodhouse Sports & Social because we believe it would be an unsustainable venue.
So, now what?
We have today submitted correspondence to all councillors fully detailing the above stance and the reasoning behind our view that Sindelfingen Park is the ONLY viable venue for a long-term, enjoyable and beneficial junior parkrun in Dronfield.
In the interests of openness and transparency with our members, our consultees and the whole Dronfield community, our letter to the councillors is open and can be downloaded below.
If you have an interest in our proposals, we strongly suggest you take some time to read it.
Stick the kettle on first though, it's a long one...
Our consultation responses can be viewed/downloaded below, too. Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill it out, no matter what your view was.
Note that names and email addresses on the publicly available copy have been redacted for privacy.
