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Hello from DRC

Luke Prest

Just a few days ago, the first seeds were planted to form Dronfield RC and in the short time that has followed, things have snowballed at a lightning pace!

We were a little apprehensive about how it would be received outside of our little bubble but so far all the feedback has been positive and has given us even more impetus to get things up and running as quickly as possible (pun absolutely intended).

As some of you have been sent the club details via friends and running buddies and may not know us, we thought it worthwhile to drop a quick message to introduce you to the names and faces driving this forward, to say hello and let you know how to get in touch if you have any questions, queries, advice or just want to heckle us from a social distance if you see us in Aldi.

The message from us now is very much a watch this space and spread the word to any of your friends and family that may be interested.

We have a lot of time consuming admin to do to get everything ready to roll. Setting up banking, applying for club affiliation and insurances, getting the membership system ready to roll and designing/sourcing kit etc. We aren't putting any deadlines on that but will strive to keep everyone up to date as and when the milestones are ticked off. 

We have now set up a club facebook group. It is a bit lonely on there at the moment though so if anyone wants to join, we shall be online to answer any questions we can. (or just chat about blisters, chafing, shoes, carbohydrates and all the usual stuff we runners like to bore everyone else about.)

This email address is also manned by all of us if you want to get in touch.

In the meantime, on behalf of DRC, stay safe and happy running,



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