As we prepare to go back into lockdown, Dronfield Running Club has suspended group training and moved back to setting our athletes virtual challenges to complete. These were incredibly popular last time around and were the foundations on which DRC was formed.
As all grassroots sport has been suspended, it struck us that there is a lot of people out there in S18 who will be in the same boat as us and have had their weekly sporting/exercise fix taken from them at the very time they need it most... so we are extending our virtual challenges to everybody!
Our #DRC challenges are set weekly and are often courses of 3 to 5 miles, sometimes with unique quirks such as hills, running around in circles or navigational challenges. They are set on a Sunday evening by our General Secretary, Stu Carrack, for completion the following week.
Everyone is free to have a go at them, you don't have to 'run' them if you don't wish but your aim should be to complete them as quickly as you feel able.
If you can run it all then great, but if not walk a bit of it and just run parts of the course. You can even just walk it all. You can even moonwalk or use a space hopper if you want but however you tackle the challenges, just enjoy being outside, exercising, get your heart beating a bit and then join in the discussion and banter online.
We'd love to see some kids involved as well - maybe challenge them to navigate the route? We're all runners at DRC, so don't be surprised if you see one or two of us tearing around at max effort, but you do them however works for you.
So... here's this weeks:
It's time for #DRC20 The Deathly Hallowes

START - Cemetery Road (outside the Fire Station)
- Run down Cemetery Road, turn right and up Hallowes Rise. - At the top, go left and then first left onto Shakespeare Cres (this is where the fun begins). - On your first loop, run along Shakespeare until the gennel entrance, then run all the way along the gennel to Highgate Drive. Turn right, down and back to Shakespeare Cres. - On your second loop, run to the furthest Road, Chaucer Dr up to the gennel at the top,turn right and all the way along to Highgate, down to Shakespeare. - On the 3rd loop up Shelley, 4th loop up Byron....(progressively smaller loops) - Then on the 5th, when you get to Highgate from Kipling turn left (instead of the usual right) and up to the top entrance of Shakespeare for a fast down hill and round. - Then down and across Hallowes Rise, along the path in front of the grass verge then down to Hazel Court, gennel to Dale Road and down Moorgate to the fire station. DONE!

#DRC ratings; Off road 'fun' - 0/10 Chances of getting lost - 4/10 Fast course - 3/10 Chances of being hit by a golf ball - 3/10
To join in;
- Follow all social distancing and current COVID guidelines. This is for local residents only, we don't want people traveling the length of the country to run up Hallowes Rise!
- Record your activity on Strava (search for it in the app store on your mobile device) between now and next Sunday 8th November 17:00. - Mark it #DRC20
- Post it to social media and tag us in (Twitter and Instagram).
- Don't worry if you get it horribly wrong, that's all part of the fun!