Now that he's got a dodgy ankle which has slowed him down enough for us to catch up with him, we had a chat with DRC chairman, Liam Turner.

When & Why did you start running? I ran at school and did cross country for Chesterfield and Borough in my teens. Despite being half decent in some disciplines, I hated it. It was all about max effort, all the time! I assumed that’s what running was,
until I turned 28, (So didn’t run much, for about 10 years). Then in 2013, 2 weeks after being born our daughter was very poorly and was unfortunately in intensive care for a number of weeks. I used that as a catalyst to start running again and a few years later to do the Great North Run for Charity (Meningitis Research) in 2017. I aimed for sub 90 and so that’s when it all properly began….… PB’s: 5km 15:55 (unofficial) - 16:31 (official) 10km : 33:53 HM: 1:15:29 Whats your typical training week? I usually run 4-5 times a week. Out of those runs I try to ensure I get one speed/tempo run in and 1 long run minimum. The rest are mainly recoveries/run to feel. Quality of run over quantity tends to work for me and I average 50-60km most weeks when fit. Trail or Road? Both. I love off road for the scenery and more relaxed recovery runs. Though I prefer road runs for speed sessions as it’s safer underfoot when going quick and easier to judge in terms of pacing Favourite local race?
Round Sheffield Run – has to be really, there is nothing else like it. I love the stages and the social aspect. Favourite local routes and running spots?
Cowley Lane, Dobbin Lane and Far Lane up to Shilito Woods are probably my favourites. Not a big fan of flat, training routes. Favourite Shoe: Nike Vaporfly Next % Running kit can’t live without:
Compression shorts for fast runs (Stu Carrack loves these and regularly comments how much they suit myself and Phil Skelton) Flip Belt – for running off road, to carry phone, money etc What do I do apart from running: I have a supporting wife, 2 lovely kids Eva (6), Harry (4) and Billy the crazy pup (nearly 5 months). I enjoy spending most of my spare time with them and the rest of my family. I am also Managing Director of a local business, supplying Refractory Materials, based here in Dronfield. Naturally this keeps me really busy. I enjoy holidays away and we’re lucky enough to spend a fair bit of time in North Yorkshire each year, near to the moors which is great for walking, running and cycling. Tell us something Interesting about you: Random one but, I have a Wild Green Sea Turtle tagged in my name. When I was 10 years old, my brother and sister won a competition in the Cayman Islands whilst visiting on holiday. The prize was to name and release a young sea turtle. When the competition organisers found out my brother and sister had a sibling too (me), I got the sympathy vote and they said I could release one as well. We have revisited the farm a few times since and check in on the Turner Turtles to see how they are getting on, based on tracking data etc. If anyone is further interested in the farm/release programme here's more info